So with that in mind during my Junior year of high school, I looked up colleges to go to in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. So I did what all upper class men high school students do, I went to open houses, visited, had interviews and made sure I like what I saw before I applied to these institutions.
Thing is the college I decided to go to I didn't follow any of these steps. It happened one day in lunch, I was freaking out because I got rejected from one school even though I had gotten into two others, but I was still panicking. So one of my friends told me about this school called Lebanon Valley College aka LVC. Never heard of it but I decided why not, the dead line was in like one and half weeks. So I quickly put my things together and mail out the application.
I did not even know where the school was, what programs it had to offer, or what the school even looked like, but there it was a few weeks later my acceptance letter. After careful review of all the schools I gotten into I decided on LVC since they gave me the most money. I didn't know what to expect from college or how it was going to go but there is one thing I learned, my new educational journey was about to begin.........